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Jul 26, 2024

For: Resurrection


A thoroughly truthful, personalised and detailed, the uplifting story of people who had (and still are) suffering the "side-effects" of a disastrous avalanche of disorders, caused by deadly virus of 21th century - Covid-19 devolish aspects of it to this very day ! But who successfully battled it and survived, and became much wiser, honest and gentle and stronger after that. However, millions of us are still suffering without adequate care from medical service welfare. Writing is much better this time around by Ms. Danielle Steel, with less "damage done" by improper grammar, stylistical errors and lack of eloquence: it's much dramatic this time. I recommend this book to every older man and woman in US.

Published by: Wellread111

Jul 20, 2024

For: The measure of our age

The meaning of our Aging.

The narrative is super depressing and in no way brings any measure of help to the ill people, who are seeking some ways to address their health problems and find some measure (in medical professional services) to elevate their suffering.... It only presents the enormous problems in our Health care professional orbit the neglect and absence of desire to Heal elderly People. I do not recommend this literature.

Published by: Wellread111

Jul 15, 2024

For: America the strong

America the strong.

Good core thoughts, but full of repetitions. Also the book is printed on the bad smelling paper. Not the acid-free one, that has no smell and is white instead of yellowish - gray.

Published by: Wellread111

Jul 13, 2024

For: Intuitive eating

Intuitive eating.

The book is about general consumption of food and people's eating habits, without anything interesting, wise or new. Not worthy of attention.

Published by: Wellread111

Jul 13, 2024

For: Backache, Stress, and Tension

Stress, tension and backache.

The author is a confident and influential writer, and states his philosophy and ideas that bodily movement (exercising) is imperative to our intelligence survival mechanism. His approach is considerate and polite. Without undue assumptions that everyone is "made the same". He is firm, yet polite and respectful to his reader(s). The only miss I have found is that the book presents cases of very young or middle age patients (clients). Between the ages 22 and 40, and doesn't include the older generation of men and women, someone in their early 60s or even 70s. And that is the loss for me, personally. Otherwise the book is excellent in quality of writing, human factor demonstrations and photos of exercises.

Published by: Wellread111

Jul 11, 2024

For: Peter the Great

peter-not -so -great.

A silly attempt to override the significance of the major event in the history of the 18st Century Europe and Russia ! Peter-the-Great's achievements in advancing his country's culture, knowledge and position of power on the European and the Asian geo-political and cultural arena ! What a sad, untruthful and one-sided look at the Great and powerful country to bring forth ! Such a pity and ignorance by the author .

Published by: Wellread111

Jun 19, 2024

For: The big sleep

Everything by Raymond Chandler is a must read

Chandler could write the phone book and make it a fun read. What style!

Published by: BGold

Jun 19, 2024

For: The long goodbye.

Absolutely great writing.

Chandler could write the phone book and make it a fun read

Published by: BGold